1853 October 31 Letter to Alexander Badlam


1853 October 31 Letter to Alexander Badlam


A response given to Alexander Badlam praising him for learning Chinese, and informing him on the status of crops, Indian relations, and blessings from the Lord.




Brigham Young


Alexander Badlam


1853 October 31


Great Salt Lake City
Sacramento, California

Number of Pages



Missionary Work

Item sets

G. S. L. City Oct 31st 1853.

Brother Badlam,

Your letter of Sept. 29th arrived by the last mail and I was much pleased to learn that you had turned your attention to the Chinese language.

My counsel to you is to continue to use such time as you can spare and such skill as the spirit of the Lord gives you until you become proficient in the Chinese language.  And I would also suggest that you associate with the Chinese as much as possible, to assist you in learning, and to become acquainted with their habits, & mode of thinking.

This method will give you the opportunity to profit by your knowledge as you progress, and through faith & obedience, I feel you will be able to perform a good mission without leaving California, and e'er long be able to ordain Natives, and send them home to preach the Gospel in China.

Our crops have been abundant, and are generally secured, the weather thus far, having been remarkably favorable.  I have raised this season about twenty bushels of Peaches, quite a quantity of California grapes, and one beautiful apple, which gives a demonstration that fruit can be raised in our Vallies in abundance, and of excellent quality and flavor.

The Indians at present are very quiet though you can learn all the particulars of our late difficulties, with them in the Deseret News.

The health of the community is good, and we continue to enjoy prosperity and abundant blessings at the hands of the Lord, both in our public and private labors.

Praying that the Lord may bless you, I remain your Brother in the Gospel.

Brigham Young

P. S.
Ours this year's immigration all arrived
before any snow fell, and are nearly all
located, & the balance soon will be.

To Alexr. Badlam Esqr.​
Sacramento    California