1853 October 31 Letter to John M. Horner


1853 October 31 Letter to John M. Horner


Brigham Young informs John M. Horner that he will not travel to San Bernardino due to hostilities, requests terms for driving cattle to his care, and discusses status of crops, immigration and Indian relations.




Brigham Young


John M. Horner


1853 October 31


Great Salt Lake City
Union City, California


Business Matters

Item sets

Great Salt Lake City  Oct. 31st  1853

Dear Brother,

Yours of August 28th is before me and the contents are noted.  An unusual press of business, both public & private, and the continued hostility of Walker and his band, will prevent my anticipated trip to San Bernardino, and a personal interview with you this season, hence I again avail myself of Mail facilities.

You will recollect that I have written to you concerning driving Stock to your care, and for your disposal in the California market, and as I still think it would be an advantageous operation, I wish you to inform me, at your earliest convenience, what your terms would be for taking charge, and disposing of such cattle, and the best times for their delivery at your place, & your views of the mutual benefit of such an operation.

There is but little general News, that would probably interest you much; suffice it to say, that our crops have been good, and are mostly secured; our this year's immigration have all arrived safely, and are nearly all located, and the balance soon will be; the Indians are quiet at present, and the blessings of the Lord are still extended to us in great abundance.

Expecting an early answer,
I Remain Your Brother in the Gospel,
Brigham Young

Captn. Jno M. Horner
Union City