1853 August 9 Letter to E. D. Woolley


1853 August 9 Letter to E. D. Woolley


Advising Woolley to remain in California until the market is favorable to sell stock or leave them in the care of John Horner to sell. Update on Indian hostilities.


Indian Affairs


Brigham Young


E. D. Woolley


1853 August 9


Great Salt Lake City

Number of Pages



Business Matters
Indian Affairs

Item sets

G. S. L. City, Aug 9th

Dear Brother Woolley

[loss] and duly and the contents
noted. In the ups & downs of the California Cattle Market, and in the midst of the tricks of large and small speculators [?] it is impossible for me to give you such counsel as I wish to [?] was I in your company, hence I must be guided more or less by the information received in your letters, and in the Newspapers.

As I wrote to you by last Mail, I now write by this, that in case you have not sold our property, so when you receive this letter it will probably be best for you to drive the stock on hand to Mr John M. Horner's, Union City, Cal, and leave them to his care for disposal, getting Mr Alexander Woodland or Mr Addison Pratt, or some other good and responsible brother, who intends to remain in California for a time, to take the immediate care and oversight of the Stock and other property thus left, and to act under the counsel and instructions of brother Horner, and <you> and your Company then start for home.

On the 18th inst. Indian Walker, to gratify his foolishness, began a few hostilities, by killing Alexander Keele at Payson; since then William Jolly, Clark Roberts, and John Berry have been slightly wounded; some Horses and Cattle have been driven off , Six Indians killed and one badly wounded; these are all the items of loss on either side up to date.

Orders have gone out to concentrate and fortify all the settlements

I Remain

Brigham Young

P. S. Of ourse we would prefer
getting you to stay with the
Stock, until it is all disposed of 
bring us the funds; but if
in case that you cannot well stay,
select out of the
above named persons, or some other
trustworthy person to take
the <immediate> charge and oversight of the