1853 August 9 Letter to William Sudweeks and Charles S. Peterson


1853 August 9 Letter to William Sudweeks and Charles S. Peterson


Reiterates the need to carry out orders and complete a permanent defense of the Settlements.


Nauvoo Legion


Daniel H. Wells


William Sudweeks
Charles S. Peterson


1853 August 9


Great Salt Lake City


Nauvoo Legion
Legal Matters

Item sets

Adjutant General Office
G. S. L. City Augt. 9, 1853

Lieuts. Wm. Sudweeks
& Chas. S. Peterson.

Dear Brothers,

Complaint having been made of insubordination in your place, by certain persons refusing to obey the orders whch have been issued in relation to a permanent defence of the Settlements and Preservation of property from the Indians.

I wish merely to say, that it is perfectly useless to undertake to stand out and resist the orders of the Authorities in enforcing the policy calculated to preserve both the people and their property from Indian aggression.

Subordination and obedience must be enforced by the officers, and complied with by the people. It is unnecessary to repeat the language of the General Orders to "treat all those persons as enemies" who will not comply with such reasonable requirements.
You have your Orders, enforce them, and if men will not comply with them, then there is a way to make them.

I do not recommend harsh measures unless it becomes necessary, but if it does, let the Law be magnified with dignity and effect.

With Sentiments of respect and esteem
I Remain as ever
Your friend & Brother
in the Gospel of salvation

Daniel H. Wells.