1853 October 31 Letter to Lewis Vanlembrock


1853 October 31 Letter to Lewis Vanlembrock


Brigham Young discusses business dealings and money owed between Lewis Vanlembrock, George D Grant ad Curtis E Bolton.




Brigham Young


Lewis Vanlembrock


1853 October 31


Great Salt Lake City
Sacramento, California

Number of Pages



Business Matters

Item sets

G. S. L. City Octr 31st 1853.


Your business letter of Septr. 29th. arrived duly, and I reply by the return mail.

I have seen Mr. George D. Grant, and he tells me that he bought the engravings of you with the express understanding that you to receive your pay $6.00 at the tithing Office, and he arranged accordingly for you to receive your pay at that Office, and notified you of that fact, and he does not consider that he was any longer in your debt for those engravings.

I also conversed with Mr. Grant about your ox, and he says that he told you he was on the Island, and you could get him any time you pleased, and Mr Farr says, he is on the Island now.

Mr. Curtis E. Bolton has lately arrived in this city from France, and tells me that he borrowed money from Samuel W. Richards, of Liverpool for you, and you have only paid him a part of that money; he showed me the letter on the subject, the amounts borrowed, and replaced, and it appears that you are now due Mr. Bolton $29.10/100.

From these facts it appears that the $6. due you at the tithing Office, and your ox on the Island (if there now) were perhaps fortunately left by you, to enable you, to fufill your engagements to Mr. Bolton.

As this business, from all I can learn, has taken the shape above written, and mainly concerns you & Mr. Bolton, your better course in future, will be to communicate with your friend Bolton, until you are satisfied upon the subject.

Your Friend
Brigham Young

P. S.
You mention your letters of
protection, and you will observe​​​​ 
that Fortune appears to protect
Mr. Bolton.

Mr. Lewis Vanlembrock
Sacramento,  California