July 1835


July 1835


Brigham Young serves a mission in the Eastern States. The elders travel with little money, facing much opposition. A conference in St. Johnsbury, VT attracts a large crowd.




July 1, 1835- July 29, 1835


Brigham Young


New York
Rhode Island

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Missionary Work

Item sets

1-2 July 1835 • Wednesday-Thursday 

I Baptized 3 July the 1 the Brotherin thin parted Wm E McLallen and I went to Camdon to Wm Daniels and their Prached  2 then went to Earnist town [Earnest] to Wm Mires - 

3-12 July 1835 • Friday-Sunday 

3 we went to the third conesion and their tared till the 5 sa first day of the weak <5> then then [sic] wee Preac<hed> to an autentive congregation <Simon Snider house> [[p. 34]] except Daniel Perry made som destirbence and tride to brakeup the meting but was stoped by the oner of the house at intermsion we cald upon the ch[a]rity of the people to help ous on our Jorney. old Mr Snider gave a york shillen and a black man gave ten or eleven cents, when I was apreachin the sperit Came upon me to shake my garments in their prsence and declare myself clar from their blood, we then left the naborhood - I have traveled a bout five hundred miles sence I left Kirtland and preached 3 times,- we then went to [[p. 33]] William Mires and stad that day whic<h> was monday; we then started for Kingtn a tusday morning and found a boat that was a going to prescot and we went a board we went from prsscot to Addinsburge from their to Potsdam - & wensday <thursday> morning we went out to Stockhome [Stockholm] we found Brother Fuller and the and the [sic] Frends ware all wall [sic] wensday we went to Brother Smith and staed all night the next morning Brother Marsh came to ous - thursday <fridia> morning Brother A. Fuller braught ous on our Juarney 13 miles and then we came afoot Freda <Satterday> we stped to a tavern in Swain by the name of M. Hawley and asked him to give ous brackfast as we ware trvelin Preachers and went without monney [[p. 32]] but he would not and sed that he was abondentliable - but sed that we ware impoisturs we left him and went on our way we washed our feet in testamony a ganest him we travled till we came to this place which is Port Kent and we are now wating for a boat to carey ous a cross the lake 

13-16 July 1835 • Monday-Thursday 

July <the> 13, 1835 took a boat and crosed to Burlington tusday went throw Monpillier [Montpelier] wensdy went [to] North Dan Ville found frends and Brotherin tared ther thusday held a confre[n]ce 

17-19 July 1835 • Friday-Sunday 

17 fridia went to St. John Bery we had a good Confrence and a large Congration on Satterday to here preaching - 19  Sunday the barn [[p. 31]] and yard was crow[d]ed it was thaught their ware betwene 2 and 3 thausand People their was 144 cariges that was Counted by the Brotherin - here we found Fathers and Mothers, Brothers and sisters here we had our wants admistered to <more> then eney other Church - 

20-24 July 1835 • Monday-Friday 

20 monday I was taken on my Jurney twenty miles by Brother Miles - 21 tusday I came on my Jurney with <elder> haraman and Elder O. Hyde we came to the towon of New Bradford 23 and I preached in the place. Elder Haraman Prached at <in the> house of Collia who was an Osgood ite. after he got throw a woman got up and aksed him and sed that we ware prud decevers and ahaering after the wiming and monney [[p. 30]] a numer of them spoke and after they  had got throw I arose and spoke I testifide aganst the spirit they had we then went <to> my apointment which was at 5 P.M and I Prea[c]hed to the congrtion - the 24 we then came on our Jurney. 

25-28 July 1835 • Saturday-Tuesday 

Saterday the 25  we arived at E. Boying[ton's] the Fa[t]her of Brother J. Boying[ton], here we found Brother Thomas Marsh who came in the Stage <to> Concord and a foot from their - 26 we T. Marsh O. Hy[d]e and my self held metings at Brother Holms T. Marsh O. Hyde Preached at 10 A M.  O H. Hyde at 2 P.M. and my self at 5 P.M - on monday Elder Marsh and my self was braut on our Jurney by Elder H. Haraman. we arived at Boston about 5 P.M and [[p. 29]] found Sister Fanney Brewer and hir famely and the Brothers and sisters well and in tolarable good s[p]erits - I have now travel a bout hight hundred and ninty five miles sence I left Kirtland the 24 of June - I now make this reckerd at Sister Fanney Brewer in Boston 28 day of July 1835 - 

29 July 1835 • Wednesday 

29 wensday Brother Wilber and my self came to Providence on the rail rode w we ware two ours and twelve minets coming forty miles, I went that same day and found Valentine young which ware living in North Providence - I found the few Brothers and sisters well [[p. 28]] and in tolarble good spirits I have held three metings in the place se[n]ce I came here and I have an apointment for this evening and two for to morow