1854 February 28 Letter to James Brown


1854 February 28 Letter to James Brown


Counsel to return to Salt Lake and bring machinery and articles necessary to start a leather business. Updates on Indian hostilities.




Brigham Young


James Brown


1854 February 28


Great Salt Lake City


Business Matters
Indian Affairs

Item sets


Great Salt Lake City, Feb 28th 1854.

Dear Brother,

On the first of June last, I wrote in reply to you of the February previous, and as my answer may not have come to hand, I now write to you again. Considering all circumstances, I deem it best for you to return home this Season; and I wish you to bring a leather splitting machine, and all the articles and implements necessary for making leather, except such as can be procured here to a better advantage, and of course you will be able to judge whether <which> those are. It will be well to bring at least four bark mills, or Roller, a large and a small boiler, or heater, and a plenty of the different kind of knives and implements necessary for going into the business properly, and upon a good scale commensurate with the wants of this Cummunity. We have had a rather colder winter than usual, but the weather is now quite pleasant. Bro. Richards has been very unwell, but is now recovering. My health has been unusually good for cold weather, and the people generally are in the enjoyment of good health, and your family are all well so far as I know. The hostile Indians have been quiet through the Winter, and may continue so, at any rate the Sandpitch Indians have come in and expressed a desire for "everlasting peace." However it is for our interest to be prepared for every event, that we may be found watching as well as praying
By the last news from San Bernardino the brethren there are prospering and rapidly building up a strong settlement.

Praying for your prosperity and welfare in the way of all truth,

I remain your brother in the Covenant

Brigham Young

Capt James Brown.