1854 March 8 Letter to Nelson Higgins


1854 March 8 Letter to Nelson Higgins


Advise given to be vigilant in defending against hostile Indians and counsels that Reuben Allred have the Presidency and oversight of the Settlement.




Brigham Young


Nelson Higgins


1854 March 8


Great Salt Lake City
Manti, San Pete County

Number of Pages



Indian Affairs
Business Matters
Church Leadership

Item sets


Great Salt Lake City, March 8/54

Dear Brother,

Yours of Feby. 8th is at hand, and I was truly gratified to learn that your new Grist Mill was in operation, and that all things were moving on so harmoniously in your midst.

Although the Sandpitch Indians who visited you may have been truly friendly, and really intend to continue so. still it will not be prudent to slacken your efforts to place yourselves and property in a proper state of defence, and you will be on the safe side in useing salutary vigllance. The brethren have done right in commencing a fort on Cottonwood Creek, and when it is finished securely, they are at liberty to move their families into it and farm at that place. In that event I shall expect them to be always on the alert and ready with men arms, and ammunition enough to repel quite a formidable Indian attack, for it is difficult to forsee, at all times, what lies in the future, and is ever a prudent course to be prepared for the worst.

Until you are further notified, I advise you to let Bishop Reuben Allred have the Presidency, and oversight of the New Settlement, and Counsel the settlers to sustain him in that position by their united faith, work, and prayers, inasmuch as they desire to be blessed, and benefitted by his administration.

I have no Special news but what you are probably already informed of.

I wish you would inform me whether any arrangements were made with Lieut. Steven's command, who went to your place to Harvest, as some of that command have received some pay and others have not, and when they enquire after it, I do not know what to say to them.

Praying for your prosperity and welfare in the Pathway of Truth.

I Remain Yours in the Covenant
Brigham Young

Major N. Higgins
Manti, Sanpete County