1854 March 31 Letter to Brother Siler


1854 March 31 Letter to Brother Siler


Several missionaries will be appointed at Conference and Siler is granted permission to preach where his father lives.


1854 March 31


Brigham Young


Brother Siler


1854 March 31


Great Salt Lake City


Missionary Work

Item sets

Great Salt Lake City, Mar. 31, 1854

Bro. Siler,

Yours of Feb 13th, came safe to hand a few days since, and in reply I have to inform you that several will probably be appointed to go on missions at the next Conference on the 6th of April. How soon they will start after their appointment will depend much upon the weather, but probably at the earliest opportunity, and as your request to go on a mission to your father's house is cheerfully complied with, you will so arrange your affairs, as to be able to start with the Company.

Trusting that you will be gratified with this reply, and be ready at the time, I remain,

Your brother in the Covenant

Brigham Young