1854 April 1 Letter to Philip B. Lewis, et al.


1854 April 1 Letter to Philip B. Lewis, et al.


Due to the difficulty in communicating the Elders are counseled to act according to the Spirit in discharging duties and deciding when to return. New missionaries will be sent this Conference.




Brigham Young


Philip B. Lewis
Elder Cannon
Elder Bigler
Elder McBride
Elder Johnson
Missionaries on the Sandwich Islands


1854 April 1


Great Salt Lake City
Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaiian Islands

Number of Pages



Missionary Work
Indian Affairs
Church Leadership

Item sets

Great Salt Lake City, April 1st. 1854.

Prest. Phillip B. Lewis.
Elders Cannon,Bigler, McBride,
Johnson, & in short all the
Missionaries on the Sandwich Islands.

Dear brethren,

It is with much pleasure that I hear of your welfare, and the success attending your labors in your Island Mission, and I feel to praise the Lord continually for His great and manifest mercies unto his people.

Your far off distance, and the time and uncertainty attending correspondence render it necessary for you to strive to walk at all times in the light of the Spirit, and to use a large discretion in the discharge of your duties, and as to tarrying, or returning at any particular time; for it would be impossible, if for no better reason than it is unnecessary, for me to counsel any further than in general terms. There will be several young elders sent by this Conference to the Sandwich Islands; and when they arrive and begin to get into the harness, those who are now there can begin to return home, as you are moved upon by the Spirit, and in accordance with the welfare of the saints upon the Islands, and the general prosperity of the cause there; in this matter you are at full liberty to use your best discretion.

Bro. Bigler's letter of Jany 7th. came safe to hand on the 31st. ult, and I was gratified to learn of his faithfulness, success and welfare, and he is at liberty to return this season or whenever he feels it to be consistent to do so.

You are doubtless better informed in newspaper matters, than we are, and as to home news, everyone is busy at the seasonable outdoor occupations, in the midst of health, peace and plenty: for Walker, Peteetneet and several noted Indians have expressed a desire for lasting peace, and to learn the arts of civilized life, and every prospect bids fair for a cessation of the late troubles with our red brethren.

I highly approve of your proceedings at your last fall Conference, so far as made known to me in Bro. Lewis' letter and in the Conference minutes, and rejoice at your prospects for having a printing press of your own, and at the probability of your being able to secure a quiet and measurably secluded nook for the Island brethren until the way opens more fully for their gathering. Counsel them not to be discouraged at this, for as the work spreads and increases there must needs be many secondary or subsidary gathering places, until certain future events shall transpire to bring about which, will require time, faith, patience and continued good works.

General good health continues to be enjoyed though death finds the saints even in these secluded vallies. On the 11th ult. at 9 (1/2) A. M. our beloved brother Willard Richards left his body to rest for a short period, and passed behind the vail to rejoice with Joseph & Hyrum, and the faithful who have preceded him, and to continue still more efficient labors for the cause of Zion.

Assure my native brethren of my constant remembrance of them, and of my lively regard for their situation and welfare.

Ever praying for your prosperity in every good word & work, I remain your brother in the Covenant
Brigham Young

Hawaiian Islands.