A Revelation given Kirtland July the 23.1837 [title not in BY hand]
the word of the Lord unto thomas B. Marsh concerning the twelve Apostles of the Lamb. verely thus saith the Lord unto you <my> servant thomas. I have heard thy prayors and their alms have come up as a memorial before me in behalf of those thy Brotherin who ware chosen to bare testamona of my name and to send it abroad among all nations kindred,s tongues and people, and ordained through the instrumentality of my servents. Verely I say unto you there have been som fue things in thine hart; and with the, with which I the Lord was not well pleased, nevertheless, inasmuch as thou hast abased thy self thou shalt be exalted, therefore all thy sins are forgiven the; let thy heart be of good chear before my face and thou shalt bear reccord of my name not only unto th Gentiles but also unto the Jews, and thou shalt send forth my word unto the ends of the Earth. Contend thou therefore morning by morning and dafter day, let thy worning v[o]ice go forth, and when the night cometh let not the inhabitance of Earth slumber; because of thy spech, let thy habitation be known in zion and remove not thy house; for I the Lord have a grate work for the to do in pub[l]ishing my name among the children of men, therefore gird up your loins for the work, let your feet be shod also for thou art chosen and thy path lyeth among the mountians. and among meny Nations, and by thy word meny high ones shall be brought low and by thy word meny low ones shall be exalted thy voice shall be a rebuke unto the transgressors and at thy rebuke, let the tongue of the slanderer cease its preverseness, be thou humble and the Lord thy God shall lead thee by thy hand and give thee an answer to they [sic] prayers. I know they hart and have heard they prayers concerning thy Brotheren, be not partial to wards them in
lov above many others but let your lov be for them as for yourself, and let your love abound unto all men. and unto all who love my name, and pray for your Brothern of the twelve. Admonish them sharply for my name sake. and let them be admonished for all their sins and be ye faithful before me unto my name, and after their temptations & much tribulations behold I the Lord will feele after them & if they harden not their harts and stifen not their necks aganst me they shall be converted and I will heal them. Now I say unto you. and what I say unto you I say unto all the twelve; arise gird up your loins take up your cross. follow me and feed my sheep; exalt not your selves, rebel not against my servent Joseph for verily I say unto you I am with him and my hand shall be over him, and the keys which I have given him and also to you ward shall not be taken from him untill I com. Verily I say unto you my servant Thomas thou art the man whome I have chosen to hold the Keys of my Kingdom as pertaining to the twelve abroad among all Nations that thou mayest be my servant to unlock the dore of the Kingdom in all places wheare my servant JOseph and my servant Sidney and my servant Hyram cannot com; for on them have I layed the burden of all the Churches, for a little season.
wherefore wethershethersoever whethersoever they shall send you. go ye and I will be with you and in whatsoever place ye shall lproclame my name an effectual doore shall be opend unto you. that they may receive my word. whosoever reciveth my word reciveth me, and whoesoever <reciveth> me reciveth those the first Presedency whome I have sent, whome I have made Councillars for my name sak unto you: and again I say unt[o] you that whoesoever ye shall send in my name by the voice of y our Brotherin the Twelve duly recommended and autherised by you shall have power to open the door of my Kingdom unto any Nation whithersoever ye shall send them: inasmutch as they humble themselves before me and abide in my word and harken to the voice of my spirit. Verely: Verily I say unto you darkeness covereth the Earth and gros darkness the minds of the People, and all flesh has becom corrupt before my face: behold vengence cometh speedely upon the inhabitence of the Earth; a day of wrath day of burning; a day of distruction of weeping, of morning and of Lamentation; and as a whirlwind it shall com upon all the face of the Earth. saith the Lord, and upon my House shall it begin, and from my HOuse shall it go forth saith the Lord, first apon those among you saith the Lord who have profesed to know my name and have not kn[o]wn me and have blasphemed aganst me in the midest of my house saith the Lord. therefore see to it that ye trouble not your selves concerning the affairs of my Church in this place saith the Lord. but purify your harts before me, and then go ye into all the world and Preach my hospel unto every Creature who have nor recived it & he that beleiveth and is baptised shall be saved, and he that beleiveth not and is not baptised shall be damned - for unto you (the twelve) and those of the first presedency who are appointed with you to be your Councellars and your leaders is the POwer of this PRiesthood given for the last days and for the last time, in the which is the dispensation of the fulness of times. which power you hold in conn[e]ction with all those who have recived a dispensation at eny time from the beginning of the Creation; for Verely I say unto you the Keys of the dispensation which ye have recived have com down from the Fathers. and last of all bring sent down from Heven unto you. Verily I say unto you: behold how grate is your caulling. Clense your harts and your garments lest the bloos of this generation be required at your hands; be faithful untill I com for I come qu[i]ckley and my reward is with me to recompence every man according as his works shall be I am Alpha and Omega Amen