1854 July 19 Letter to Dr. William L. M.


1854 July 19 Letter to Dr. William L. M.


Brigham offers compassion and counsel to Dr. William over the loss of his son and proposes a couple options if he still desires to pay tithing.




Brigham Young


Dr. William L. M.


1854 July 19


Great Salt Lake City
San Bernardino, California

Number of Pages




Item sets

G. S. L. City, July 19th 1854.

Doct. Wm. L. M

Dear brother,

Yours of May 9th came safe to hand on the l0th inst. & agreeable to your request I embrace the opportunity of the first return mail to reply. I was gratified to learn of your sobriety, industry, and prosperity, and above all, that your feelings were still inclined to Zion and her cause, and to her present headquarters. You write of trials, hardships, adversity, losses, &c., no doubt you had a share therein, but has not every one all he thinks he can bear, or at least all he thinks belongs to him to endure? Still being required to lay lovely and loved children in the quiet rest of the grave is ever a hard trial to the feelings of human nature, even when sustained by the light of the Spirit and the power of the Priesthood confered by the servants of the Lord. I sympathize with you in the brief deprivation of the society of your son to whom you was so fondly attached, but we do not or should not mourn as those who have no hope, for through faith, obedience, and endurance to the end we have hope and assurance of a glorious resurrection, where Parents can again meet their children and rejoice with exceeding great joy.

Peace and prosperity abound richly in Utah, through the kind providences of Him who guides all things aright, yet as heretofore, available funds are quite convenient to enable us to push forward the necessary public improvements, as fast as our natural feelings would urge us: and as you state you can pay 10 or 1200$ on your Tithing, and remark you have a willing heart to do so, should you still be in the same mind and ability on the receipt of this, you can do good, and aid our cause by paying it into the hands of Mr Livingston or Kinkead, formerly of the firm of Livingston & Kinkead in this City, subject to my order, or if you prefer & opportunity offers, you can forward it directly to me, and for which on receipt you shall be forthwith credited on the Tithing books.

I respectfully refer you to our newspaper for the general news of these valleys, and must close by signing myself your brother in the Covenant, and praying God the Eternal Father to guide you by His Spirit and bless you in every laudable effort in the name of Jesus. Amen

Brigham Young

care of
Hon Jefferson Hunt
San Bernardino, California

Please forward if the Doctor is not at your place.