1854 September 13 Letter to Rufus C. Allen


1854 September 13 Letter to Rufus C. Allen


Directions for selling, delivering and giving away clothing and goods to the Indians and instructions to send records of all transactions.


Indian Affairs


Brigham Young


Rufus C. Allen


September 13, 1854


Great Salt Lake City
Harmony, Utah

Number of Pages



Indian Affairs

Item sets

Great Salt Lake City, Sept 13/54

Elder Rufus C. Allen


Dear brother,

We send you per brother Hardy a quantity of Indian Goods amounting as per bill accompanying to $860.04, for which you are responsible to the Presidents Office.

You are required to keep a correct account of the delivery of these goods, retaining the name of each Indian to whom the articles are sold, and who must return an equivalent in labor therefor, to such of the brethren as you shall designate.  You will therefore charge these brethren with the amounts respectively due from them and take their obiigations for the same.  They will be responsible to you.

You will please forward to this office once a month a copy of your a/c of goods delivered with the charged price, & names of all Indians who received the articles.

I send you for the above purposes herewith 1 Mem. Book & 1 gr. F. cap.  

Cordially wishing you every needful blessing in promoting the building up of the Kingdom of our God on the Earth,   I Remain,

Truly Your brother in the Gospel

Brigham Young

P. S.

When you consider it necessary to give away any of the aforementioned clothing to the natives, you are authorized to do so, acting with your best judgment in the circumstances.  Of all such you will return to the office a full a/c

B. Y.