1854 August 14 Letter to Joseph L. Heywood


1854 August 14 Letter to Joseph L. Heywood


Counsel for Heywood to resign the Presidency in Nephi due to his poor health and his responsibilities in the 17th Ward.




Brigham Young


Joseph L. Heywood


1854 August 14


Great Salt Lake City


Church Leadership
Personal Matters

Item sets


Great Salt Lake City, August 14/54.

Bishop Joseph L. Heywood,

Dear Brother,

As it is quite inconvenient and incompatible for you to spend much of your time at Nephi, particular as the 17[h] Ward will fully occupy all the oversight you can spare from private affairs, while your health is so feeble and in as much as the settlement you began at Nephi will be more benefited I respectfully suggest & counsel that it will be best for your health & your official & private duties here to write to the brethren at Nephi your resignation of the Presidency you hold there with instructions to them to get together at an early date, and elect for their president the person who may receive the largest number of their votes.

This is doubtless the best course for all concerned under all existing circumstances.
I remain truly your Brother in the Gospel

Brigham Young