1854 December 30 Letter to John Tobin


1854 December 30 Letter to John Tobin


Brigham gives updates and encouragement to a young man in the military. He promises the Lord's angels will help him to overcome temptation and he will remain unspotted from the evils around him.




Brigham Young


John Tobin


1854 December 30


Great Salt Lake City

Number of Pages



Building and Construction

Item sets

Great Salt Lake City
Decr. 30th 1854

Mr. John Tobin
Sergt. E. Troop 1st Dragoons
Fort Lane, Oregon Territory

Dear Brother,

Your very good letter of Oct. 26th is received, and I was truly glad to learn of yours and your companions welfare.

It is truly gratifying to know that your <faith> health remains good, and that change of scenes has not brought with it a falling away from those pure principles which lead on to usefulness in this world and life everlasting in the world to come. I am also truly glad to find that you and the other boys remain faithful to your trusts & unlike many others, who to their own disgrace forfeit the confidence and esteem of their associates by diserting their posts and proving recreant. to their own engagements. Tis true the army is a school of vice to young men, but being guided by the principles of our holy religion, and maintaining your integrity with all men, refraining from all evil, and humbly serving your Country and your God, His angles will guard and be round about you and help you to overcome every temptation to evil, and you will be able to preserve yourself pure and unspotted from this wicked and adulterous generation.

Things in this region remain the same as when you were here, the country is steadily improving, <quite> a number of new buildings having been erected this season.

We have another corps of U. S. troops with us this winter under the command of Col. Steptoe apparently a very good and gcntlemanly Officer. They are on their way to California and intend leaving in the Spring.

The Social Hall has been opened for Theatre again this winter. The performances are however suspended during the holidays for parties.

The Seventies have built a hall the past season, which was dedicated on Christmas day, and meetings continued therein for several days; they also had a party or two in the evening.

We are far from believing that the army life is congenial to your feelings, we shall therefore rejoice with you when the time shall come that you will receive an honorable discharge from your engagements, and again be permitted to mingle in the society of friends and brethren and assist in rolling forth and establishing the kingdom of God upon the Earth.

I remain as ever Your friend & Brother in the New and everlasting Covenant.

Brigham Young