1855 January 22 Letter to Isaac C. Haight


1855 January 22 Letter to Isaac C. Haight


Brigham and the church subscribe to two shares in the Deseret Iron Company to aid the operations and whereas the Deseret News is the only medium for remote settlements to be kept up to date the paper should be supported by church members.




Daniel Mackintosh


Isaac C. Haight


1855 January 22


Great Salt Lake City

Number of Pages



Business Matters

Item sets

G. S. L. City Jany 22/55

Bro Isaac C. Haight.

President Young requests me to write you a few lines, as Bro Daniel is about to start for your place. The Bottle of Whisky was duly received and the President thinks that you can afford to make a better article, although that you sent is pretty fair.

At the last session of the Legislature, the Governor B. Young is authorized by an Act of that body to subscribe for two shares oi Stock in the Deseret Iron Company and the T. Treasurer authorized by said act to pay to the order of the Governor for said shares $4840. and as Trustee in Trust the President says, that is to subscribe for two more shares on account of the Church, which will materially aid your further operations on the works.

I believe that he contemplates settling the shares for the Church <as far as may be> through the Tithing Offices South and it would be well if those connected with the works would meet their indebtedness at the Deseret News office through the appropriation made by the Territory, which if done would suit all parties concerned. You will please arrange this matter and report. The Deseret News, as a church paper, should be liberally sustained by the members of the Church, and besides it is a medium through which the most remote settlements of the Territory, can be kept continually posted up in matters transpiring at head quarters. To say more, would be superfluous, as doubtless each every person knows well the value of the News, and its benefit to the reading community at large.

We have no particular items of news worth chronicling. the President has been rather weakly of late, but his health is improving. The Legislature ended its session on Friday, and the members are now stirring around to prepare to make their way home as speedily as possible.

As Bro. Daniel is awaiting I must bring this note to a close.

Praying that the spirit of the Lord may ever direct you in the pathway of Peace, Prosperity &c.

I Remain
Your Brother in the Gospel.

Daniel Mackintosh