1854 September 23 Letter to Alexander Williams


1854 September 23 Letter to Alexander Williams


Orders to Sheriff Williams to not retaliate against the Utah Indians for any loss of property and cattle and to not get involved in the dispute between the Utahs and the Snakes.


Indian Affairs


Brigham Young


Alexander Williams


1854 September 23


Great Salt Lake City
Utah County

Number of Pages



Indian Affairs

Item sets

G. S. L. City Sept 23rd. 54

Alex. Williams
Sheriff  Utah County

Dear Brother,

Your express of last night arrived six O'clock this morning, from which I learn of the excitement of the Utah Indians against the whites in consequence of a party of Snakes attacking their Camp yesterday morning.

I do not at present deem it necessary to call any force into service on this account as at other times, it of course becomes necessary to take care of ourselves and our property, and endeavour to make the Utahs understand that this is a difficulty with which we have nothing to do The Utahs stole 22 horses of the Snakes while they were peacably encamped near Ogden, and I suppose that they (the Snakes) have gone for them, let them have it out between themselves as much as possible, and let our people look out for themselves and their property and not interfere Do not let the Utahs interupt Bro Elijah Ward's family and relations, as he is absent and they have had nothing to do with it.  The brethren must be on their guard and prepared to defend themselves against the Indian whenever they may be met. but I do not anticipate any regular attack by them upon the whites, but they should be careful about going out into Kanyons and bye places alone or unarmed.  The loss of a few cattle does not justify a retaliation sufficient for White men to kill the offenders, this is Indian politics in their savage state, & the white men's should be of a higher grade.

I remain
Your Brother in the Gospel

Brigham Young