1856 [April] Memorandum


1856 [April] Memorandum


A Memorandum containing orders, bills, receipts, and instructions for church leaders.




Daniel Mackintosh


Abraham Owen Smoot


1856 [likely April]


Great Salt Lake City
St Lewis

Number of Pages



Business Matters
Church Leadership

Item sets


List of Orders for Maze (and drafts) given to a A. O Smoot.

Orders for Glass tubes for William C Staines.

Orders for Groceries and dry goods for Brigham Young.

A Duplicate order for cloth and wire for Brigham Young.

A Bill of Casting and finishing Type

A Bill for the Public Works of Cast Steel. Groceries Dry goods &c.

A Bill for the Deseret News Office for paper oil and type and skins

A Draft No 38. on John M. Bernhisel favor of $1500.00 Erastus Snow
amount fifteen hundred dollars to acct of Brigham Young personal account

A Draft No 45. On Erastus Snow favor of Abraham O. Smoot, eight Hundred <$800.05.> dollars and 5 cents charged to acct of Brigham Young
Trustee in Trust &c

A Certificate of A O Smoots agency to act for P. E Fund Co
A Certificate of A O Smoot agency to act for B Young as Trustee in Trust


Bill of stationery wanted for President & Governor's Office to be purchased by A. O. Smoot in St Louis Missouri and brought to Great Salt Lake City in 1856

4 Large Counting house Ledgers with spring backs, to be of good paper
and ruled properly, the same as H. S. Eldredge procured in 1854.
I believe they <were> got at Crittendens
10 Medium sized Day Books
16 Reams good foolscap paper, faint ruled same as specimen No 1. sent
4 Reams Large paper ruled same aspecimen No 2.
4 Reams 2 size Larger no specimens sent
6 Reams Foolscap (white unruled)
10 Reams good letter paper (blue) faint ruled) same as specimen No 3.
2 Reams Note paper -- same as specimen No 4.
4 Reams Note paper various sizes, some fancy, different patterns.
3 Reams letter paper blue unruled same as specimen No 5.
1 " thiner " faint blue unruled
2500 Buff Envelopes same specimen No 6.
400 cloth lined do " " No 7.
400 do " " No 8.
2 dozn pieces India Rubber black, (the Grey color is not good or what
is called Composition)
2 dozn Boxes of Gillotts pens Nos. 351 & 303 the greater portion of
them 303.
1 Ream best blotting paper red.

2 dozn Bottles red ink, "Arnold's Carmine fluid extra"
2 dzn Quart Bot Blk Ink (Maynard & Noye's Counting house)
The foregoing to be carefully packed, and directed on top "President & Governors Office Utah Territory."

Memo. for Erastus Snow
2 Boxes as follows not received at G. S. L. City which were forwarded from Liverpool May 28th 1855.
Mark 1 Box bearing this mark containing 1 Copying press
A $4
B Y 1 Box bearing this mark containing 1 Opheiclide.
A $6

Instructions to Erastus Snow.
Erastus Snow appointment as agent for the Church/
Erastus Snow as agent for the P E fund

Memo for Erastus Snow for two Boxes noticed, containing a copying Press
and another containing a opyclide
Copy of a Specification of a double engine
Receipts of Marshal & Woodard and David M Lockrane for property left on the route last season

McCord & Becks Bill. Specification engine &c
Blank schedules furnished E Snow for Cash Debting.
Letter to Thos L Caine
Letter from B Young to Jno Taylor accompanying the census Report

MEMORANDA FOR Abraham Owen Smoot to bring from
St Louis as he returns.
3 Full Sett of Strings or wires for a 6 Octave Piano Forte, and a supply of wires of the finest class most liable to break. The wires are for square Piano.

Bror Smoot,
The foregoing was forgot in making up the balance of orders to be sent with you, but hope that you may receive it in time; it is for President B. Young.

Daniel Mackintosh