1854 September 30 Letter to Joseph P. Smith, Fredreich J. Smith and Richard Hollywood


1854 September 30 Letter to Joseph P. Smith, Fredreich J. Smith and Richard Hollywood


Advice to remaining missionaries to focus on only teaching first doctrinal principles and consider returning home to Utah, due to the fierce opposition in the West India Islands.




[Brigham Young]


Joseph P. Smith
Fredreich J. Smith
Richard Hollywood


1854 September 30


Great Salt Lake City
Kingston, Jamaica

Number of Pages



Missionary Work

Item sets

Great Salt Lake City Sept. 30th, 1854

To Messrs. Joseph P. Smith
Fredreich J. Smith
& Richard Hollywood
Kingston  Jamaica

Dear Brethren ,

Your letter of April 25th came safe to hand, and I was pleased to learn that the labors of our Missionaries to the West India Islands had not been altogether fruitless.  The brethren who were sent to those Islands are on their way ho[m]e, and will soon arrive; and as it is uncertain when others will be sent, and you are far off, few, and weak, in the midst of bitter opposers of the truth, it will probably be best for you to wave all doctrinal discussions, and questions, except upon the first principles of the gospel, and be using your faith, wisdom, and means with a view to gather with the Saints in Utah at the earliest practicable date.  In case you have an opportunity for collecting useful seeds, adapted to our climate, they will reach this place if you can find opportunity to forward them to the Hon. J. M. Bernhisel at Washington City, district of Columbia who is our Delegate, and will leave for this place about the middle of next March.

For Books, papers, or any further information you may wish I refer you to Elder Taylor, one of the quorum of the Twelve who left this City on the 1st Inst. for New York City, where he will preside over the affairs of the Church in a portion of the United States, and also publish a newspaper entitled "The Mormon."

Praying for your faith, guidance and prosperity in the way of all truth

I remain
Your Brother in the Gospel.