1854 August 31 Letter to Franklin D. Richards


1854 August 31 Letter to Franklin D. Richards


Franklin D. Richards is assigned the general Superintendency over the Europe and Australia missions. Contains details on emigration and names of those whose debts or expenses will be paid for by the Perpetual Emigration Fund.




Brigham Young


Franklin D. Richards


1854 August 31
1854 September 1


Great Salt Lake City
Liverpool, England

Number of Pages



Perpetual Emigration Fund
Church Leadership
Missionary Work

Item sets

Great Salt Lake City August 31st, 1854. 

Elder F. D. Richards
15. Wilton Street

Dear Brother Franklin,

I received your full and interesting letter of July 7th, by the hand of Bro Samuel who arrived in the afternoon of the 26th instant in good health and spirits, and was made very welcome home, and found all reasonably well.

You may be assured that your account of your trip, and especially your favorable Report of the conduct of your immediate company afforded me much gratification.

In the "News" of the 31st inst. you will find an article from the first Presidency addressed to the missionaries from Utah" to which I call your attention, as it has been deemed for the best to take the general course therein indicated, leaving in your care the general Superintendency of the missions on the Eastern Continent, and in Australia, as their facilities of communicating with you are more numerous, certain, & speedy; thus making it more convenient for them, than to look to this point for ordinary items of counsel.

Your views are correct in the management of names of persons sent for, to be brought out by the P. E. F. Company.  You will learn my views in the future management of the Emigration: in my letter to you, dated Augt 2nd and which I presume you have received ere this.  Should any thing occur calculated to materially alter those views, you can freely communicate, as heretofore, and receive counsel according to the exigencies of the case.

August 30th I drew on you for $10. in favor of William Webster of Newtown, Luton, Bedfordshire England.  The Commission is paid.  I also wish you to pay John Strong's indebtedness of L 29.0.00, and let his family come out next season in the P.E.F. Company.

The expenses of yourself and Company on your way to Liverpool will be settled by each individually, charging each one in the Books of the Liverpool <office> with his individual indebtedness, and then let each one pay off his debt as fast as he may be able.

Elders Orson Pratt, H. S. Eldredge, F. Kesler, and George Halladay arrived on the 27th inst in good health and spirits; they were slightly detained by their animals getting jaded, or they would have come in the day before with Bro Samuel.

Our immigration is rather far back for the season, still the brethren here are liberally and cheerfully complying with the call for men, animals, wagons, & provisions to be sent back to the assistance and sustenance of those on the plains, and if the weather continues pleasant for the customary period, it is presumed that all will reach here before the weather becomes uncomfortably cold.  The new grass is beginning to start rapidly, which will materially benefit the animals of the rear Companies.

By last advices the Church Train had lost 120 head of Cattle, but vigilant methods were being used for their recovery, and all, or nearly all may have been found ere this; be this as it may it is designed to furnish assistance to enable all to come in reasonably good condition.

Sept. 1st The mail arrived last evening bringing no letter from you, but favorable letters from our Delegate at Washington.

Through the continued kind providences of the Lord, the Saints in Utah, still rejoice in peace with the Red men in union, in the rich blessings of heaven and earth, general good health prevailing.

The "News" and Bro Samuel will furnish you the more minute items,

Rest assured, that you are ever remembered in our prayers.

I Remain Your Brother in the Gospel

Brigham Young