1858 November 24 Letter to Alfred Cumming


1858 November 24 Letter to Alfred Cumming


Brigham expresses gratitude for the governor's integrity and kindness and he vows to use his influence to magnify the law.




[Brigham Young]


Alfred Cumming


1858 November 24


Great Salt Lake City


Governor's Office
Legal Matters

Item sets

G. S. L. City Novr. 24/58

Dear Sir:

I have just had a private interview with the Mayor, and learn from him how deeply I am again indebted to you for acts and expressions of kindness and solicitude.

It is no doubt the intention of evil-disposed persons to create trouble and disturbance in the Territory, and to make the dignity of the law their cloak and apology.  Permit me to assure your Excellency that so far from any opposition being offered either by myself or friends to legal services of any process from the Courts of the Territory, my full influence shall always be used to magnify and honor the law.

You will not consider it presumptious, I am sure, if I suggest to your Excellency that you require the officers of the Courts, when a 'posse" is necessary to enforce the Service of any process, to call upon you for it. That the necessary force will be promptly at the command of your Excellency you may be fully assured.

Should my presence be legally required in the U. S. Court, I would esteem it a personal favor if yourself and Genl. Wilson would call upon me at the required time and be my companions to and from the court Room.

While your Excellency is fully aware of the Sincere pleasure it gives me to meet you at all times, I do not look for <nor> can I expect at present the frequent recurrence of that pleasure.  It is not, however, without hope that I anticipate when a period to the present unhappy state of feeling on the part of many of the temporary residents of Utah will permit me the pleasure of calling frequently upon you.

With assurance of the fullest confidence in your honor and unflinching integrity, which I feel are as fully reciprocated on the part of your Excellency.

I remain Very respectfully
Your obt Serv't.


His Excellency
A Cumming
Governor   U. T.