1858 September 1 Letter to Thomas L. Kane


1858 September 1 Letter to Thomas L. Kane


An introduction of George Q. Cannon and an appeal to assist in swaying public opinion via the press.




Brigham Young


Thomas L. Kane


1858 September 1


Great Salt Lake City


Business Matters

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Great Salt Lake City, U. T.
Sep 1st 1858.

Col. Thos. L. Kane,

Dear Sir:--
Our worthy friend, the bearer of this note, is Geo. Q. Cannon, who is selected to go East for the purpose of attending to business pertaining the Press. He will receive, with much pleasure, any suggestions and advice from so valued a friend as Col. Kane, and endeavor to carry them out to the best of his ability. He will act entirely under your direction.

I have no hesitancy in believing that your acquaintance with him will ripen into a mutual friendship alike pleasing, and I trust, beneficial in promoting the public interest which we have so at heart, and aid in ridding our fair Territory of her foreign dictators and oppressors.

Trusting that the time is not far distant when Utah shall be able to assume her rights and place among the family of nations,

I remain, very truly,
Your friend,

Brigham Young

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1858 September 7 Letter to George Q. Cannon