Details on Hiram Kimball's Mail Contract


Details on Hiram Kimball's Mail Contract


Kimball received word in January that his mail contract was awarded but is notified in July that it had been annulled.




[Brigham Young]


Horace Eldredge


Probably 1858 October


Great Salt Lake City


Business Matters

Item sets

A copy of this sent to H. S. Eldredge

The proposal of Hiram Kimball for carrying the mail of the United States on route No. 8911, from Salt Lake City to Independence, Mo.; was accepted and contract awarded Oct. 16th, 1856.; and service to commence Dec. 1st 1856. The contract was mailed to to Hiram Kimball, at Independence, Nov. 1st., 1856; but the mail did not leave that place till Novr. 13th, and arrived in G. S. L. City on the 24th March, 1857. Bonds were executed on the 28th or 29th March, and forwarded by mail on the 2d April, 1857, to the Post Office Department.

The first intimation that the contract was awarded to Mr. Kimball was received by the California mail, January 6th, 1857, from a private source, and service was immediately put upon the route, and the mail regularly despatched on the second day of each month, up to July 1857, inclusive. On the 24th July Mr. Kimball received information that his contract was annulled.

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1858 October 22 Letter to Thomas L. Kane
1858 October 23 or 24 Letter to Horace S. Eldredge