1859 March 21 Letter to John L.


1859 March 21 Letter to John L.


A request to circulate a petition for signatures in response to rumors that the troops are being sent to Salt Lake City.




G. A. S. [George A. Smith]


John L.


1859 March 21


Great Salt Lake City



Item sets


Great Salt Lake City U. T.
March 21. 1859

Bro. John L.

Rumors are afloat in the City which have set everybody on their guard, that troops are coming here. Many suspect that this place is intended instead of Provo, I send down a Memorial and petition, a similar one to which is circulated in this City. The Let the memorial be circulated in the several wards throughout the County, by some intelligent and energetic men, instead of going through the usual tedious routine of (the press) &c. Let there be no delay; as it ought to be placed in the hands of the Governor as soon as possible. The names had better be taken on separate sheets and then attached to the memorial, which course will save time and the wearing of the document. I expected to have started down this morning and had several letters to take with me. I did not know to the Contrary till after the mail started. The day has been very windy from the South; about a foot of snow having disappeared. Patience and perseverance like faith remove Mountains; especially persevering in patience under present circumstances.

G. A. S.

P. S. You had better shew the Governor a Copy of the Memorial at once, informing him that it is in general Circulation, receiving signatures. Retain the one now sent, and make a copy to shew the Governor. Let there be no delay.