1859 March 25 Letter to George Peacock


1859 March 25 Letter to George Peacock


Specifications are given for the mills in Big Cottonwood Canyon.




Daniel H Wells


George Peacock


1859 March 25


Great Salt Lake City


Business Matters

Item sets

Presidents Office,
Great Salt Lake City Mar. 25 1859.

Hon. Geo. Peacock,

Dear Brother:--
Your note making enquiry in regard to our saw mills, and requesting drafts &c., came to hand some time since, but I have not been able to get the requisite information until now, and even now, I cannot give you the drafts, as Bro. Kesler is absent and I do not know as he has made or retained an entire copy of his drafts. Mill B. which is the second mill as you go up the Kanyon, has 18 feet head. Penstock, 7 by 9. in the clear, diameter of wheel, 29 inches, bucket, 7 feet long, throat, 1 3/8 inches. Has 8 buckets, 12 in. crank, makes Two feet sweep of crank. 2 feet cut.

Mill A. the next up the Kanyon is very similar, with about the same head and weight of water.

Mill D. the next one above mill A, has 23 feet head, Penstock 5 by 9, diameter of wheel 32 in. buckets five feet long, throat 1 3/8 inches, about half the water of Mill B. Sweep and cut and number of buckets the same, As you enquired for 18 and 24 feet head and Mill B. and D. comes the nearest after, a great deal depends however, upon the weight or quantity of water. You know these are upon Big Cotton Wood. If the water is lighter the wheel should larger, and the throat smaller.

All is well at present but as the preacher says, "in the midst of life we are in death." "Be ye also ready."

May God bless you and all faithful Saints for ever

Daniel H Wells