1859 April 13 Letter to Philo T. Farnsworth


1859 April 13 Letter to Philo T. Farnsworth


A request to allow Isaac Grundy to select suitable land for the development of minerals.




Brigham Young


Philo T. Farnsworth


1859 April 13


Great Salt Lake City
Beaver, Beaver County, U. T.


Business Matters

Item sets

Great Salt Lake City
April 13th 1859

Bishop Philo T. Farnsworth
Beaver, Beaver Co. U. T.

Dear Brother:--
Bro. Isaac Grundy very properly wishes to engage in developing the mineral resources in your region, for which business he has a taste and many good qualifications. Such a course has had and still has the approval of my judgement, and I can but think that his operations, if properly managed, will prove of much local and general benefit. But to accomplish this you must be aware that bro. Grundy and his co-laborers, and others who wish to be more or less connected with the ramifications into which such business may branch, should have the privilege of selecting the most advantageous location possible; and, as the country is roomy, let those who wish to engage exclusively in farming, grazing, &c. consider their own interests and that of their neighbors, by locating their places in a way that will not infringe upon bro. Grundy and those above named, giving them their choice of location upon unoccupied lands, and not stingily limiting them in quantity.

It is an entirely mistaken idea that the washing of the ore will injuriously effect the water for drinking or culinary purposes, and of course not for irrigation; neither are the smelting operations injurious, except the fumes, and they need not harm any one if the smoke stack is properly constructed.

Trusting that this communication will prove satisfactory, and that each one will be disposed to locate and operate with a view to promote the interests of all.

I remain
Your Bro. in the Gospel

Brigham Young