1859 May 5 Letter to Joseph W. Young


1859 May 5 Letter to Joseph W. Young


Brigham acknowledges the good accomplished by Joseph Young and updates him on Government affairs in Utah.




Brigham Young


Joseph W. Young


1859 May 5


Great Salt Lake City
On the road between Florence and Utah


Business matters

Item sets


G. S. L. City, May 5. 1859

Elder Joseph W. Young,
Florence, N. T., or en route for Utah,

Dear Nephew:--
From your letters I am much pleased to learn of the energy, good success and excellent spirits of yourself and br. Horton in the prosecution of the business intrusted to your care, and have no misgivings as to gratifying results, and trust that you will have none, having done the best that your judgement, means and the circumstances would permit.

Since the adjournment of the court in Provo, affairs in Utah, with the exception of a few occasional rumors, are very quiet; and the evil disposed have as yet failed in stirring up the strife and violence they so much desire. What success the Judges, suttlers, freighters, floaters, and many of the army may in future meet with in their operations for wasting public treasure in hindering lawful enterprise and trampling upon the rights of others, remains to be proven; though we are firm in the conviction that all such operations, as heretofore, will be overruled for the advancement of the great work in which we are engaged and for the benefit of all who labor therefore.

Very favorable weather has succeeded a rather tedious winter and a backward spring, and the people are as busily occupied in fields and gardens as the condition of generally rather thin stock will permit. The health of the people is good, as is also that of your family.

Praying for your success in every good work, I remain, as ever,

Your Brother in the Gospel