1859 January 23 Letter to Peter Maughan


1859 January 23 Letter to Peter Maughan


Peter Maughan is elected Judge of Probate for the county and is to preside over the area as Bishop. Letter contains advice on settlements, forts and instructions to be kind to the Native Americans.




Brigham Young


Peter Maughan


1859 January 23


Great Salt Lake City
[Logan], Cache Valley

Number of Pages



Church Leadership
Indian Affairs

Item sets

G. S. L. City, Jany. 23rd  1859

Bishop Peter Maughn,

Dear Brother;--

It appears to be the wish of a good many of the brethren to locate in Cache Valley, and those who have formerly resided in that Valley are desirous of returning to their improvements.  You, Brother Maughn, have been elected Judge of Probate for that County, and it is our wish that you should preside over that Branch of the Church and officiate in your office as Bishop.

We advise you to have the brethren settle so that all may be enabled to avail themselves of the fine range and hay lands of that region, but sufficient numbers together to be safe.  Each settlement should by all means make a good strong fort to include all the inhabitants thereof; and large enough to store all their grain therein; with strong corrals adjoining, to secure all the stock in case of trouble with the Indians.  Your stack-yards should be located at sufficient distance from your forts so as not to endanger them in case of fire.

If you build mills, let it be so arranged as to bring them inside of some fort, so that they may be protected in case of trouble; and in all things endeavor to take a course that will enable you to maintain and preserve yourselves in that isolated region, realizing that you will be obliged in a great measure, under the providence of God, to depend upon your own exertions in time of trouble.  Therefore, be cautious, wise and energetic in the location and construction of your forts; and not have it to say when you may be obliged to flee from your hard-earned homes for safety, that it was owing to dilatoriness or folly on your part that has brought this great evil upon you.

Be kind to the Natives, and seek in every judicious manner to get and keep a salutary influence over their dark and benighted minds.  Endeavor to induce them to cultivate the earth and raise stock for a subsistence; and do not let your young men or even old ones be too familiar with them, but hold them at a respectable distance, that they may feel your superiority, and understand that you will not condescend to their filthy, degrading and low estate, but rather seek to elevate them to your higher standard.

And may the blessings of High Heaven be multiplied upon you and the Settlements over which you are called to preside.

Brigham Young