1859 may 28 Letter to Warren S. Snow


1859 may 28 Letter to Warren S. Snow


A request to store tithing wheat for an emergency. The price paid for flour is measurably lower for Utah citizens than for other sellers.




Brigham Young


Warren S. Snow


1859 may 28


Great Salt Lake City


Financial Matters

Item sets

President's Office
G. S. L. City May 28th 1859

Bishop W. S. Snow

Dear Brother:
We understand that you have considerable quantity of Tithing wheat on hand and lest you may dispose of it, we send you this note. Our instructions are not to part with it only to be brought to this city.

We have no surplus of that necessary article that we know of except at your place and in Nephi and Fillmore Therefore wish it to be securely kept on hand for any emergency that may hereafter arise, as there seems just now to be quite a demand springing up for it if we are not careful before we know it all our surplus wheat will be gone.

We therefore caution you in time to neither sell or loan what you have in your hands as Bishop until you receive further instructions, you will also please to examine it often to see that it is not injuring and is keeping in good condition.

Your Brother in the Gospel

Brigham Young

P. S. It is currently reported here that some gentlemen have lately arrived from Washington having taken the contract to supply the army with flour at 27 cents per lb and that they have sub-let it to the Merchants at 16.cent And they are now magnanimously offering to give 7 cents to our people. We speak for a larger dividend in the speculation if we supply them with bread at all "A word to the wise is sufficient."

Similar letters forwarded to J. G. Bigler and Lewis Brunsen