1859 February 12 Letter to Joseph C. Young


1859 February 12 Letter to Joseph C. Young


A reply to a letter about the transport of machinery and goods. Brigham requests a hydraulic ram and makes recommendations for settlements at Deer Creek and Horse Shoe.




Brigham Young


Joseph C. Young


1859 February 12


Great Salt Lake City
St. Louis, MO


Business Matters

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Great Salt Lake City,
Feb 12. 1859

Dear Sir:

Your letter of Jan. 5. 1859, came safely to hand.  We have already sent for quite as much as can be brought on, but if you can induce any of the brethren to buy and bring <on> a Hydraulic Ram for trial it might be productive of good.  I am favorable to Bro Beebe's making a settlement on Horse Shoe or Lebonte.  Bror. J. Johnson has been previously advised of our wishes to make settlement at Deer Creek.

My health is tolerably good and expect to come out fine in the Spring as the weather moderates and becomes warmer  We have had a steady cold winter, frequent falls of snow but not much at a time:  the ground still remains covered.

Your family and those of Bro Eldredge are well so are as I know.

We expect that bro, E. R. Young <bro. Homer & Dan Davis> will start in March to <try and> bring on some of the woollen machinery from Florence, We shall send some few <four mule> teams and wagons to aid in bringing in our goods; D. H. Wells, & H. C. Kimball will each send one F. Little and myself some three or four more which will start about 1st May.

Your friend &c.

Brigham Young

To Jos. C. Young
St Louis Mo.

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1859 February 19 Letter to Bishops of the Wards North