1859 February 19 Letter to Bishops of the Wards North


1859 February 19 Letter to Bishops of the Wards North


Brigham requests that Bishops send wagon teams to assist in moving equipment from St. Louis and Florence. The machinery will be used to start a factory in Utah Territory.




Brigham Young


Bishops of various wards North
Bishops of various wards South


1859 February 19


Great Salt Lake City

Number of Pages



Business Matters
Overland Travel

Item sets

Great Salt Lake City
Feb. 19th 1859

To the Bishops of the various Wards North.

Our Brother E. R. Young, who is practical manufacturer of cotton and other goods, is going East to obtain our machinery for a factory which has so long lain useless in St. Louis, and Florence; and put in operation in this Territory where it is so much needed.

In order to accomplish this desirable object it becomes necessary to aid Brother Young with teams to bring up the machinery.  It is our wish that the Bishops of the various Wards raise, fit out, and send the necessary teams for this purpose on labor Tithing, if they can do so without injury to their respective wards.  It is believed that the teams can easily make the trip to Florence and back this season by starting about the first of May.  Good Mule or horse teams should be selected for the service and wagons to carry a ton weight, four animals on each wagon.  They must take down feed and deposit at Bridger, Devils Gate, Laramie &c.

Brother E. R. Young will go down in advance of the Teams, and have the freight prepared by the time the teams arrive at Florence.  It is our wish that the Bishops should send down twenty five teams as above described for this purpose.  They should be collected in this city by the 20th of April, and placed under the care and direction of some competent and suitable person to go in charge  We desire to be informed immediately of the success of our wishes in raising the teams

There are a great many horses & mules fit for teaming which roam idly on the range year after year.  If some of this surplus stock could be put to use and at the same time aid in the establishment of a factory for the manufacturing in this Territory those necessary articles of clothing which we at present purchase of importing merchants; It would be promoting a general good and laying a foundation for permanent prosperity.

Your Brother in the Gospel

                                                                                                             Brigham Young

A Copy of the above sent to the Bps South