1861 November 4 Letter to Henry Miller


1861 November 4 Letter to Henry Miller


A request to send Alum to be used to make paper.


Brigham Young


Henry Miller


1861 November 4


Great Salt Lake City
Farmington, Davis County


Business Matters

Item sets

Great Salt Lake City, Nov 4, 1861

Hon. Henry Miller,
Farmington, Davis County

Dear Brother:
We are much in need of that Alum to make our paper. Perhaps you are
getting out a few loads of it now, if you are not will you do so immediately so that we can get out our paper for the winter before freezing weather, the material is wanted by Bro Pyper who will manufacture it.

Please inform me if you can and will accomplish this object and how soon we may depend upon it no more paper can be had until we have about a hundred lbs of Alum.

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Daniel H Wells