1862 March 8 Letter to Orson Hyde


1862 March 8 Letter to Orson Hyde


Counsel not to send flour to Pikes' Peak to raise money. The Indians should be dealt with liberally. Details on emigration and purchasing machinery.


Indian Affairs


Brigham Young


Orson Hyde


1862 March 8


Great Salt Lake City
Springtown, Sanpete County, U. T.

Number of Pages



Business Matters
Indian Affairs

Item sets

G. S. L. City, March 8, 1862.

Pres. O. Hyde,
Springtown Sanpete Co., U. T.,

Dear Brother:-Your favors of Feb. 19 and March 1, with inclosure, came to hand on the 6th inst.

It is true that we need much machinery, and our Capitalists and those who have money have been advised to send this season for machinery of various kinds the most useful, and much is being sent for; but whether sufficient for the present or not, it would not be good policy to send flour to Pike's Peak to raise money for that or any other purpose I am aware of.

The Indians in your region are, as you state, "a poor, miserable race," for which reason, and for many other reasons that you are acquainted with, prudence counsels that they be death with on our part in the mildest, most forbearing, and liberal manner that the circumstances and relative conditions of both parties will permit.

I was pleased to learn that the brethren in Sanpete were so spirited in regard to the election and sending teams to Florence. So far as heard from the brethren very readily respond to the call for teams, and we presume that the 300 called for will be more easily furnished than were the 200 last year.

Br's Horace S. Eldredge and Joseph W. Young have gone to the States by Stage, the former to purchase machinery, &c., and the latter to operate in our immigration affairs at Florence, and should any persons in Sanpete find themselves able to send for machinery (much or little), by forwarding their bills to this office as <soon as> possible, and the money with the bills, I will endeavor to have the matter attended to.

Spring continues mildly winter, with some three inches of melting snow which fell last night.

As the telegraphic wire has been down since Thursday noon, I am unable to give you the "very latest news;" but at latest dates indications were that the South was becoming more united and in earnest, while the radicals of the North were so crowding extreme measures in Congress as to foreshadow early and wide dissensions in their ranks.

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young