1852 September 20 Certification of Henry G. Sherwood


1852 September 20 Certification of Henry G. Sherwood


Certification of Henry G. Sherwood's membership and good standing in the Church. Notification of his re-baptism and plans to relocate to San Bernardino. "Brother and Sister Jones" and others will also accompany him to San Bernardino.




Brigham Young


Amasa Lyman
Charles C. Rich




Great Salt Lake City
Utah Territory


Church Leadership

Item sets

Great Salt Lake City Sept 20th 1852

To Bros. Amasa Lyman and Charles C. Rich

This is to certify that the bearer hereof Elder Henry G. Sherwood, late Surveyor General of the Territory of Utah, is now leaving the valley for San Bernardino, he is in full faith and fellowship with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, and departs, having the faith and prayers of the Saints, and blessings of his brethren. Before leaving us, he requested, and was rebaptised after the holy order of the Gospel for the remission of sins, and yesterday preached to the saints a parting discourse, reviewing the history of the past and comparing with the happy present. He was President of the High Council of this place, the duties of which office he performed in a manner worthy of a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ, and meriting the esteem <and love> of all who know him, and we pray God the Eternal Father to bless Elder Sherwood, and all his family, with the blessings of Heaven and of Earth, for time and for all eternity, while we cheerfully recommend him as a worthy and faithful brother to all saints in San Bernardino

Signed in behalf of said Church

(signed) Brigham Young.
Pres: of the Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. Saints. 

P. S.
Brother and Sister Jones are also going with Father Sherwood and some others who have not written recommends, and whosoever he recommends we recommend.
(signed Brigham Young)