Brigham gives an update on Indian relations and the proposed consecration of property. He enclosed a copy of bills from F. Kesler.
Brigham gives updates on the last Conference including missionary assignments, Consecration and proposed boundary changes for Utah.
Brigham sends updates on the consecration of property, public and church projects, improved Indian relations and new leadership to oversee gathering places throughout the United States.
An offer of a house and property to Bernhisel and his family to settle a debt.
Brigham comments on Jim Bridger's efforts to destroy Utah's reputation, addresses the proposed reduction of Utah's boundaries and seeks to know the future route of the railroad.
Brigham provides information supporting J. Miller's testimony in order to stop a law suit.
Brigham offers Clayton the opportunity to either speak at the next Conference or before the High Council.
In response to a request by Peteetneet to return to his lands, Brigham welcomes his people and offers to continue teaching them to farm and provide for their own needs.
A request to repay Tithing loan.
Due to the difficulty in communicating the Elders are counseled to act according to the Spirit in discharging duties and deciding when to return. New missionaries will be sent this Conference.
Brigham sends an update on Indian affairs and validates the authority of the Elders to call missionaries, establish a High Council and apportion city lots. Brigham requests that Harvey Green pay his debt.
Brigham assures Brother Kessler that his stock will be cared for.
An attempt to settle a protested draft and reiterate that tithing is voluntary.
Several missionaries will be appointed at Conference and Siler is granted permission to preach where his father lives.
Brigham seeks assistance in bringing Sister Debby to Utah.
A list of articles to be sent annually from England to Utah with shipping and finance details.
Brigham expresses frustration concerning inaccuracies printed in Missouri. He directs Bernhisel to petition for the appointments of Joseph Cain and Elias Smith and gives instructions on legal drafts and documents and how they will be delivered. He concludes with updates on Indian affairs and Territorial news.
A review of financial accounts including questionable transactions.
Instructions on purchasing and packing supplies for Utah, Emigration rations, Church and Government finances and assisting the missionaries. An update is given on Indian affairs.
Authorization to receive money for missionary travel to England.
Counsel to return property taken from the widow, Ann Palmer and to be lenient with John and William Wormsley.
Notwithstanding public requests to repay the Perpetual Emigration Fund there is no desire to oppress those who cannot.
Counsel to those remaining at Cedar Fort to construct a building large enough to accommodate families, provisions and ammunition in case of an attack.
Petitioning Brown to assist in the rental and keeping up his property.
Brigham appoints a Branch President and recommends William Wall for Major in the Nauvoo Legion. He advises compact farming for increased safety.