Advise given to be vigilant in defending against hostile Indians and counsels that Reuben Allred have the Presidency and oversight of the Settlement.
Instructions to forward a letter to Mrs. Higbee from Orange Wight.
Brigham feels that Brother Wheelock is too poor to pay tithing.
Letter accompanying Commission for Weber Probate Judge and authorizing James Browning to act as Bishop.
Paid two thousand dollars to Code Commissioners per bill.
A request that Bernhisel facilitate a good relationship with Babbitt, who has agreed to further Utah's interests in Washington and ascertain if the Penitentiary bond is acceptable.
Examples of the lack of performance by those sent to govern the Territory and the letter was to include copies of memorials passed by the Utah Legislature.
Wedding salutation and updates on the telegraph, railroad, Indian affairs and Judiciary affairs of the Territory.
Encouraging Jesse K. Nichols to Emigrate.
Instructions on selling machinery and roofing materials, printing Church books and finances.
Brother Franklin and Little will leave for England in April allowing Richards to return with the Emigration this season.
Business partnerships are separate from church business and counsel on paying tithing.
Release from printing and publication duties due to poor health.
Praise for following counsel and encouragement to continue in faith. Update on Indian Affairs.
Details the Congressional withholding of just appropriations to finance the Utah Territorial Government. Specific examples of neglect such as financing elections and day to day expenses of the legislature. Directs John Bernhisel to seek Congressional financing and to determine if A. W. Babbit has the right to draw on the Department of Treasury to fund the construction of the Penitentiary.
Counsel to return to Salt Lake and bring machinery and articles necessary to start a leather business. Updates on Indian hostilities.
An update on the whereabouts of Isaac Davis.
Refers to a note to be given to a Doctor.
Guardianship of the family and estate of the late Isaac Clark and settling the Tithing books that were in Clarks possession.
Requesting the invoices for purchases in England.
Counseling Markham to fulfill his agreement to construct a home for John S. Fullmer who is serving a mission.
Directing the purchase of a yoke of cattle and two cows to be charged to the Tithing fund.
Arranging the sale of a house and property and authorizing the purchase of oxen and cows from the church.
Possible removal of Betsey Knight and children to safer housing.
Counsel to trust Brother Atwood and accept business transaction.