Direction given to Horace S. Eldredge to purchase various items from St Louis, to baptize William Davis, to secure 13 boxes, and how to pack mill stones.
Brigham Young discusses business dealings and money owed between Lewis Vanlembrock, George D Grant ad Curtis E Bolton.
Desiring tithing wheat to be sent to Salt Lake as soon as possible for safe keeping.
Counsel to secure crops before continuing work on the Fort.
Desiring tithing wheat to be sent to Salt Lake as soon as possible for safe keeping.
Instructions not to follow the Indians into the mountains but to appease and seek a treaty with Sartielle.
Securing Crops and Stock is the first priority and then Forting.
Reiterates the need to carry out orders and complete a permanent defense of the Settlements.
Update on Indian hostilities, permanent defenses, Emigration, and request to assist John Horne with selling Utah cattle.
Acknowledging receipt of reading materials from the U. S. Secretary of State.
Inquiry regarding interest in a business partnership caring for and selling cattle in California and brief Utah updates.
Advising Woolley to remain in California until the market is favorable to sell stock or leave them in the care of John Horner to sell. Update on Indian hostilities.
Regretting the loss of 200 head of stock and reaffirming previous orders to send stock to Salt Lake and secure the settlement.
Possibly reviewing expenses related to Indian Affairs.
Caution on purchasing property in Eucador [Ecuador], means to purchase supplies in California and counsel to John Horner on temporal wealth.
Concerns freight details for transporting church books, as well as Liverpool Office finances and current events. Brigham mentions the recent volume of the Seer contains points made by Orson that are "not sound doctrine."
A bill requesting various items such as cloth, burr stones, iron and wheat.
Response to an August 1st letter counseling Amasa Lyman and Charles C. Rich to sell their property, forward tithing funds, build city walls and fortify homes, as well as informing them of selling cattle in California and listing the names of those killed by Indians.
Response to a June 6th letter that briefly reports on the status of missions in China and Europe, Indian hostilities, walls being built around weak settlements and Temple Block, and the gathering of Saints to parts of California and Utah.
Requesting supplies be purchased and sent to Utah. Sister Theobold asking help securing inheritance money.
Condolences to the widow of Captain Gunnison and information concerning his murder and burial.
List of requested supplies to purchase.
Request payment for expenses incurred acquiring government property and recovering the deceased.
Brigham Young informs John M. Horner that he will not travel to San Bernardino due to hostilities, requests terms for driving cattle to his care, and discusses status of crops, immigration and Indian relations.
A response given to Alexander Badlam praising him for learning Chinese, and informing him on the status of crops, Indian relations, and blessings from the Lord.