Counsel given to Thomas Hollis to treat his wife more kindly.
Requesting the purchase of supplies to be brought across the plains to Utah.
Requesting assistance in safe guarding a large amount of merchandise across the plains. The University continues work on a new alphabet.
List of articles to be purchased in the States and shipped to Utah. Also, instructions to find two orphan boys in St. Louis and bring them to Utah.
Finance and labor details for building the State House in Fillmore.
Background on prominent professions in Utah and the prospects of employment as a lawyer.
Instruction on bringing Ludington back to Utah, procuring articles, and delegating funds for immigration. Also gives an update on Indian Affairs.
Update on Indian Affairs, the Legislature and weather. Clarifies the reason for publishing simpler doctrine in the "Seer" and gives instructions for returning to Utah.
Expressing gratitude to Sister Alcock for her gift.
Assigning Kinney to the 2nd Judicial District and giving information on temporary housing option in Utah.
Sending Indian articles to McILvain as requested.
Referring C. R. Meigs to seek counsel from the leaders in the East.
Replying to questions about the prospects for employment as a lawyer in Utah.
Extending a mission call.
Reconciling account balances to avoid overdraft.
Proposal to use labor Tithing to repair a fence in order to secure a field for grass and hay.
Request for poles and slabs to secure City Creek. Copies of letter sent to three additional Bishops.
Seeking four additional Indian Sub-agents for Utah and reaffirms desire for Statehood.
Update on Indian Affairs and recovery of Government property.
Update on Indian Affairs and Church finances
Request for entertainment at the Social Hall.
A request that whenever the Orchestra of the Deseret Dramatic Association is unable to play, they allow members of another Orchestra to fill in.
Remarks to undisclosed Brethren
Bid proposal for materials and construction of Territorial Penitentiary.
Update on Indian Affairs and requesting payment of a draft.