Jesse D. Hawkins is presumed alive and living in San Bernardino.
Dissatisfaction of Bishop Brownell’s ward with the location of the Fort.
Permission given for marriage and update on the building up of defenses.
Instructions to deliver notices to all Captains of emigrating companies and to post them on the road to Laramie
Appointment of John Steele to Office of Judge of Probate due to resignation of Calvin C. Pendleton.
Arrest and Court Martial of P. W. Conover
Wilford Woodruff to visit Weber and locate Fort for protection.
Instructions to organize a detachment of thirty men to aid Major Ferguson, cease all ammunition and liquor meant for trade with the Indians and arrest resisters.
Acknowledge the Receipt of North Carolina Reports
Encouraging Orson Pack to fulfill his contract with Burr Frost.
Instructions on filling vacancies in the Utah Military District and raising up infantry members.
Council to settlements and Utah Territory residents to secure property and stock. Also contains an appeal to give all surplus to the Church for safekeeping.
Instructions on filling vacancies in the Utah Military District and raising up infantry members.
Instructions on filling vacancies in the Utah Military District and raising up infantry members.
Approving request to trade ammunition and goods to friendly Indians in Oregon.
Admonishing Major Moore that he is fully authorized to enforce the orders given in his jurisdiction. Affirms that those men refusing to secure up their stock encourage the enemy and thus puts the community at risk.
Regulations on the removal of trees from City Creek Canyon
Permission to marry Sarah Williams
Information on the weather and growing conditions where the Pottowatamie Indians reside. The chief welcomes people to settle there.
Declaration that the bearer of the letter is a Pottowatamie Indian deserving of kindness and courtesy.
Money sent to St Louis for the purchase of supplies, guns and ammunition all to be sent West with full precautions.
Counsel to be cautious but friendly to the Indians. Suggesting that Wright offer labor and fair pay when deemed wise.
Counsel to furnish friendly Indians with labor and fair pay.
Order to send oxen to Fort Hall, apprehend men who resist orders and secure settlements or consolidate them. Give no provocation for war.
Orders to provide arms and provisions for company and move them to Fort Hall to aid in conveying wagons and property from that post.