Certification of Horace Eldredge's church membership and authorization to serve as Branch President of Saint Louis, Missouri.
Letter contains details of an order of Fustian or Mole skin. Also includes an update on the "Times and Seasons" volumes forwarded via Daniel Spencer and copies of the Deseret News and Deseret News Extra.
The Liverpool office requests the 1st, 2nd and 3rd volumes of "Times and Seasons" to be given to Daniel Spencer.
An Invitation to attend a Treaty of Peace meeting between the Shoshone and Utah Tribes.
Acknowledgement of the receipt of one copy each of the 13th and 14 volumes of "Report of cases argued and decided in the Supreme Court of the State of Missouri"
Acknowledgment of the receipt of one copy each of the "Acts and "Resolutions of the General Assembly of the State of Rhode Island," "Providence Rantations" passed at October Session 1851, January 1852, and May 1852.
Concerns the Reports of the Supreme Court of Texas
Letter accompanying the quarterly report from Major Rose and accounts of expenditures.
An update on family matters, the conditions of Joseph's wife and newborn twins. Brigham requests that Joseph come home as soon as possible.
Reply to an inquiry about the whereabouts of Robert Crow. Letter also contains Brigham Young's personal thoughts and feelings about slanderous reports concerning the Saints.
Instructions to proceed with the building of a fort and a store, with a suggestion to build the mill separate and apart from the fort. Notice of Brigham Young attending an upcoming two-day meeting in Provo City.
Instructions to give notice that he (Brigham) will be attending a two-day meeting in the city. General attendance is requested.
Counsel to Thomas Dorey to take a trip to California with William E. Homer and settle the affairs of a deceased nephew. Encouragement to preach with courage and to return to Utah when all affairs are settled.
Letter contains an answer about Bond and Security and an update about an upcoming trip South. Good news from General Rich about the new settlement in San Bernardino.
Certification of Thomas S. Williams to collect tithing in California on behalf of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
Letter contains a list of scriptures and encouragement to obtain copies of religious books from the Millenial Star Office in Liverpool or London.
Expressing gratitude for the acknowledgment of the Deseret census report and the kind note to delegate John M. Bernhisel.
Acknowledgment of the receipt of "Synoptical Index to the Laws of the United States."
Request to accompany the Mail Carrier with armed men to recover property left at Goose Creek.
Acknowledgement of the arrival of three copies of "Laws of the State of Missouri."
Notification for Benjamin Cross (Bishop of Payson), James [Pace], Elias Gardner, James McFals and others to appear before the High Council on Saturday 21 Feb. 1852. at 10 a.m. An investigation into the problems between the Brethren in Payson.
A reply indicating that the High Council does, in fact, have authority to disfellowship Stake and Branch Presidents. Instructions to settle the matter amicably or be prepared for General Authorities to settle the matter for them in a trial at General Conference.
Instructions to temporarily divert funds in control of the President of the Church in Great Britain to fill an order from John M. Bernhisel.
Instructions to the High Council of Provo to work out the difficulties between James Pace and the men in Payson without resorting to church discipline.
Response to a letter regarding difficulties in Payson. Directions to allow James Pace and Elias Gardner, who had been disfellowshipped by the Provo High Council, to retain their church membership and standing.