Brigham commends the brethren for their work on the Island as there is no more pleasant calling than preaching the gospel. He gives counsel including abstaining from the appearance of evil. He gives permission for senior missionaries to return home as the Spirit dictates and as the new brethren learn the language. All are invited to emigrate if they can tolerate the Utah climate.
Brigham encourages Pratt in his search for those willing to receive the word of life as they are few in comparison to those who delight in unrighteousness. He is not disappointed that a place has not been found to gather in California. He suggests emigration to Utah. The east mail is currently interrupted by Indians.
Brigham provides updates and encourages Tobin to be faithful in the face of great temptation in the military. The eastern mail is interrupted by the Indians.
Brigham offers comfort to Lyman, reminding him that God rules His work and allows some to fall away who would turn against the Church in difficult times. Apostates cannot harm true principles. Faithful servants of God have to wage a war against the powers of Darkness and not shrink for righteousness will triumph in the end.
Brigham cannot sell the Durham Bull as it never made it to Salt Lake.
A request for Payne to liquidate his debt.
An inquiry into coal that was not delivered as promised.
Brigham's health is poor but he gives consent for Brother Lewis and Hamblin to go to the Navajos.
Brigham and the church subscribe to two shares in the Deseret Iron Company to aid the operations and whereas the Deseret News is the only medium for remote settlements to be kept up to date the paper should be supported by church members.
In regards to a report of stolen horses Young will gladly return them if the opportunity arises.
Brigham asks Hyde if he is willing to help organize Carson County, receive an appointment as Judge of Probate and assist in Building a road through the canyons to California.
Brigham declines a request to invest more money in a business. Instead he offers a loan and expresses concern whether or not the partner is dealing honestly.
Enclosed is a Schedule of Divorce.
Enclosed is a Bill of Divorcement.
Counsel to divorce and documents to legally do so.
Request to perform a marriage ceremony.
Brigham never engaged the men in question therefore never intended to pay them.
Informing Richmond that the grandfather of the children in her care is willing to care for them and council for her to move closer to her brother.
Brigham gives consent for Sister Oakley to sell her property.
Brigham states that it was not proper for the surveyor and recorder to sell the property in question. Counsel for Bailey to return and get his money back.
Suggestions offered for the use of appropriations received for the improvement of the road south including many bridges.
Documents sent to Washington for distribution including petitions for the re-appointment of Young and financial reports. A draft for the last quarter is also included.
An update on manufacturing, public works and Temple construction. Brigham welcomes any who would like to emigrate from California.
An update on crops, public works and missionary work.
Brigham gives updates and encouragement to a young man in the military. He promises the Lord's angels will help him to overcome temptation and he will remain unspotted from the evils around him.