A request for carpet for the Tabernacle.
A request for carpet for the Tabernacle.
A request for carpet for the Tabernacle.
A request for carpet for the Tabernacle.
Requesting a meeting regarding the property at the Stile.
Permission is granted for a sealing.
A message to be forwarded to Little Soldier that the Mormons are his friends and will give his band work.
Instructions to bring Harriet Chapman to Utah.
Brigham sends encouragement and gives Siler permission to return home.
Ellerbeck gives an update on the purchase of a steam engine, construction of an Endowment house, deterring the sale of liquor, and the killing of mail carriers. Brigham expresses his love to his son.
Expenditures for each emigration company has not been kept separate and receipts and disbursements have not been recorded. Brigham requests that someone be assigned to track these expenses.
Concerning a Ten Horse power Steam Engine to be purchased in St Louis Brigham requests that an engineer examine the workmanship of the engine to assure quality as it is costly to haul a poor article and difficult to replace deficiencies in Utah. Brigham seeks information on misplaced articles and articles that were not sent last season.
John Davis is owed money by the Welsh Conference and Elder Dan Jones is instructed to collect the money and forward it to Brigham's office.
West and Dewey have permission to return home and are reminded to continue the work of Zion on their travels home.
Acknowledge receipt of letter and an invitation to discuss the subject at hand.
Instructions for Frost to return home and an update on Utah affairs.
Instructions to select property for a Stake in Carson Valley and to call upon Col Reese to donate land and facilities. Also a directive to Brother Nash to pay his debts and for three men to return to Utah.
Counsel to furnish R. W. Perkins with feed for his horses for a tithing credit.
Counsel to disarm the Indians and place them with different families where they can work for their support.
Instructions to look into a marital dispute and make sure the wife is provided for.
Invitation assemble in order to make decisions concerning the Deseret Alphabet.
Brigham returns a pony belonging to the Utes.
Cash is needed to pay for Perpetual Emigration Fund passengers. Anything that can be readily sold for cash will be received for donations.
Instructions to fill Brighams boat with hay.
Counsel to the Indians to settle down next Spring to rase grain and stock.