Kinney is welcome to call on Brigham anytime.
If the brethren can leave their labors Brigham and others will hold meetings in Cache Valley. Five brethren were killed by Indians in Sanpete.
West is asked to come to an agreement on a business contract.
The available clerk positions are not as profitable as Larsen's current employment.
Lumber for the Provo Meeting House can be purchased for $12.50 per hundred feet.
Smith's labor is no longer required.
Due to poor health Stoddard is released from his mission assignment.
Fotheringham is asked to move to Beaver to assist the bishop with Tithing produce.
Brigham cites the terms for purchasing a Carding Machine.
Jolley should provide for his ex-wife and children and assist with their move to Spanish Fork.
Wright is sent an order for paper supplies.
The carding machine should be in use until it is sold.
Brigham accepts Richey's offer to build a Cotton Press.
Wells is counseled to return home due to poor health.
Brigham is opposed to establishing a debating society which encourages too much interest in ones own side promotes sophistry.
Brigham settles a dispute over an oven and offers his cupboard to Smith.
Brown should remain in Duncan's Retreat. He is given permission to marry again.
Most of the missionaries will have their own teams and will leave for the East around May 1st.
Vance should assemble the High Council, Bishopric and Jury to re-hear the case.
Brigham responds to an inquiry about the climate, agriculture and property rights in Utah.
The professions Milne inquires of our plentiful in Utah, but most who immigrate come for religious purposes.
An inquiry for Eveleth's address so Brigham can advertise his business of commission merchant.
Hancock will not be reinstated to the office of Bishop. He should focus on righteous living that will bring blessings.
Woodmansee may have the disputed land.
A fanning mill was taken without permission and Brigham would like to get it back.