A bill for a carding machine and the shipping expenses.
Cotton seed will be sent and a freighting bill enclosed. Feramorz Little is a possible agent for Keller's products.
Thurston should complete business from 1864 and appoint a new bishop.
Counseled to prepare physically before embarking on a mission.
Brigham discusses the position of Post Master and the mail routes. Utah will be admitted to the Union in the Lords time. Brigham foresees the coming years to be difficult for the U. S.
A request to increase settlements near the Colorado River where future trade will come into the territory.
The Church leadership over Santaquin and Payson are reorganized.
Knowledge is gained faster by serving a mission than in any other pursuit. Avoiding temptation in the mission field will be a source of joy. Kimball's wife lost her child.
The world has a greater interest in the Latter Day Saints than their numbers would justify. A canal will be built from the Southern border of Salt Lake County. Brigham desires to purchase land in Hawaii.
Brigham would like copies of the letters that call for the removal of Mr Stenhouse.
Whitehead should stop gambling and live with his mother until he finds employment.
Brigham provides the details and price of two carding machines.
Brigham provides the details and price of two carding machines.
Faithful missionaries develop integrity which brings peace and joy.
Authorization is given to marry James Brown and Mary Martin.
The Toll Road Charter prohibits Brigham from transferring the road to Hickman.
A dinner invitation is extended.
A canal will be built from the Jordan River to be used for navigation and irrigation. Brigham disapproves of a land office in Utah. The Colorado River will become a main import route. Utah's boundaries are discussed.
The dance inquired of is the Scotch Reel. An updated is given on acquaintances and a Carte-de-Visite is enclosed.
Brigham asks Eveleth to purchase a driver and details financial arrangements.
Brigham does not want to dispose of his transit. He encourages Martineau in his engineering desires.
A letter certifying Thurston's release from missionary work.
Per request Brigham will reserve tickets to the theater.
The oats should be sold and the cash sent to William Hutchison in Scotland.
The First Presidency upholds the decision of the High Council in Rockhill's case.