1859 September 13 Letter to Cyrus H. Wheelock


1859 September 13 Letter to Cyrus H. Wheelock


A request to have a bill of divorcement signed and property restored to Lucy Pine Packard.




Brigham Young


Cyrus H. Wheelock


1859 September 13


Great Salt Lake City
Springville, Utah County, U. T.



Item sets


G. S. L. City, Sept. 13, 1859.

President Cyrus H. Wheelock,
Springville, Utah County, U. T.,

Dear Brother:--
I have granted a bill of divorce to Thankful Lucy Packard (maiden name Pine) from br. Joseph Kelley, and wish you to have br. Kelley sign said bill and pay for it. I also wish you to have br. Kelley furnish Sister Packard with at least as much and as good property as she had when sealed to him, to which br. Kelley can have no objection, for in that event he would still have had valuable services at a very cheap rate, or rather, strictly speaking, for nothing. But as sister Packard will probably be satisfied with having her property made as good as it was when she was sealed, it certainly seems that br. Kelley can not, for any good reason, object to at once signing the bill, paying for it, and making good, as above named, sister Packard's property.

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young