President's Office
G. S. L. City, Oct. 6, 1859
Pres. A. Calkin,
42 Islington, Liverpool, England,
Dear Brother:--
Yours of July 28, Liverpool, Aug. 12, New York, came to hand on the 27th ult. I was pleased to learn that the work in England was progressing so favorably and that your financial affairs were in so sound a condition, also that you had improved the opportunity for a trip to the States and a period of visiting your relations and friends there in company with your wife.
But little of much moment has transpired since writing to you on the 17 & 20th ult. The latest and most reliable rumors state that Pres. Buchanan and his Cabinet have resolved to remove from Utah all grievances and annoyances to her population, and that the troops are to be removed to the Colorado and so on. South, beginning with one or more regiments this fall and winter. No orders to that effect have as yet been made public, but there are several indications that such may be the case. Should these rumors prove correct the Government will have stopped one great leak in the public treasury which has been and is flowing to the support of profligacy and oppression.
Our annual Fair began in this City on the 3 inst. and, notwithstanding various untoward circumstances, was quite creditable to the skill, taste, and industry of many who have at heart the true interests of our temporal prosperity. It was kept open during three days, and on each day the Social Hall was crowded with spectators. There was a marked advance over last year in cloth and many other manufactured articles including a pig of lead from Beaver County, but no pigs of iron as yet, an article so much needed.
As advised in my last, you are at liberty to receive money and give drafts upon this Office until otherwise directed. You will also learn from my letter of Sep., 17, that I have not deemed it advisable for your son to take the trip you mention at so early an age, feeling assured that he will do far better here until he has seen a few more years.
Subscribing for publications is usually a very dear mode of procuring them, but as the "Encyclopedia Britannica," mentioned in your letter, is subscribed and paid for, it will probably be best to forward it on next season, if you have a safe opportunity; and I presume we shall be able to release you next season in time for you to start for home in the spring.
About 8 P.M. a few evenings ago, two pistols shots were heard near Bishop Hunters' old place, and persons repairing to the spot found John Gheen lying on the side walk with a ball hole through his head; he must have died instantly, Coroner's verdict, "suicide". You will remember that Gheen is the one who shot and killed br. Condit near Sopy's in Iowa.
Secretary Hartnett left for his home in St Louis, a few days after br. Hooper and company started, and some think that he does not intend to return, Judge Sinclair has also started for the States by the way of California, and Judge Cradlebaugh merely opened court in Carson Valley, adjourned to the 10th inst and went on to California; it is doubtful whether either of them again visit Utah.
I have drawn the following drafts upon you: the money therefor is deposited here:-- No 137 for Pound10-00-00 favor of Caroline Smith; No 138 for Pound5-00-00, favor of Samuel Taylor; No 139 for Pound25-00-00, favor of Jane Vaughan.
Our forenoon meeting to-day lasted from 10 a.m. to p.m. most of the time was occupied by the brethren and sisters in the body of the congregation bearing testimony of their feelings and of the truth of the work as they were moved upon; a very peaceful and good spirit prevailed. Adjourned to 5 P.M. at 5 p.m., the congregation was addressed by Elder Orson Hyde and myself.
Prospects continue to be flattering that the number who delight in iniquity will be much smaller in the Territory this winter than during the two winters past.
May the blessings of Israel's God attend you and all who love the truth.
Your Brother in the Gospel
Brigham Young