1859 October 10 Letter to Isaac Grundy


1859 October 10 Letter to Isaac Grundy


Brigham will send a pole pick but he does not know of miners needing employment. He counsels those in Beaver to settle close to the water and gives advise on manufacturing lead.




Brigham Young


Isaac Grundy


1859 October 10


Great Salt Lake City
Minersville, Beaver County, U. T.

Number of Pages




Item sets


G.S.L. City, Oct. 10, 1859.

Elder Isaac Grundy,
Minersville, Beaver County, U.T.,

Dear Brother:--
Your letter of August 24 came to hand a short time past, and as you referred me to br. Amasa Lyman for information upon the main point mentioned therein, and whom I have not seen for some time until since the arrival of your letter of Sep. 28, I deferred answering the first mentioned letter until I had seen him.

One pole pick will be delivered to br. J.H. Rollins to take to you, which is the only pole pick on hand; and if br. Jones had a ladle I have not seen it. I know of no miners in this rejion who are in want of employment, and understand that the majority of miners are already in the southern settlements. The immigration of this season, as each company arrived, speedily left the Camp ground on Union Square and scattered to different points among their relatives, friends, acquaintances, &c. Whether any have gone to help strengthen your place I do not know, as few, if any, have called upon me to enquire where I would advise them to settle.

As to the water question, it is certainly obvious that the sooner water is applied to tillable soil, after it leaves a canon, the more soil can be filled with a given amount of water. Such being the fact, and from all I can learn about the soil, grass, timber, fuel, frost, range, prevailing winds, &c. in lower Beaver Valley, it would seem that the western settlement would see it for their interest, safety, convenience and profit to join you in building at your place, making that the town site, and then farm west, south west, and south, as you please, beginning with the nearest good land and continuing until the water is exhausted, and drive and herd your loose stock in any part of the valley you may from time to time choose, leaving the home range for milch cows and such stock as you are useing. But this is a matter in which you are aware I do not wish to dictate, and from what I have just heard Bishop Farnsworth say I presume you will be able of yourselves to arrange it to the best advantage and mutual satisfaction of all concerned.

Your best plan for making the lead business increase and sustain itself is for you to market, at the best prices you can, small quantities as you produce them, and procure your groceries, provisions, &c. and increase your works as your means derived therefrom and the demand increases. At present we have all the lead we need or can make use of, but so soon as I can have it made into sheets I expect to need a large amount for roofing my buildings, and much will be needed for making white and red lead, &c., for painting, when persons see fit to engage in making those paints which have lead for their body, also for piping so soon as it can be made, but we have a plenty on hand for bullets. Both cash and store goods are scarce with us, beyond what pressing requirements demand, but should you need assistance beyond the returns from your sales of lead I shall be happy to render it, so far as may be consistent with other duties.

The pipe you spoke about I shall probably be able to furnish you whenever you may wish it. When you send for it please send directions as to size, length, &c. so that it can be properly fitted up here.

We had a delightful Conference during four days, adjourning on the 10th to the 6th of April next.

Our enemies are leaving almost daily and the power of their influence is sensibly weakened and weakening.

Your Bro. in the Gospel,

Brigham Young