1859 October 10 Letter to Joseph Horne


1859 October 10 Letter to Joseph Horne


Brigham sends a team to assist in transporting cotton. The semi-annual Conference was held and many judges and officials have left Utah.




Brigham Young


Joseph Horne


1859 October 10


Great Salt Lake City



Item sets


G. S. L. City, Oct. 10, 1859.

Pres. Joseph Horne,
Heberville, Washington County, U.T.,

Dear Brother:-- Your letter of Sep. 25 is at hand and its contents noted. I send br. Daniel Johnson with a four mule team to your assistance as you request, and forward the cordage and bale covering by him. I trust that the team now sent will enable you, to bring all the cotton when you come. You are doubtless correct in your idea that you can get the cotton into smaller compass by baleing, and then cover the bales with the sacking material now forwarded by br. Johnson.

Sending you a gin has escaped my attention until it is now too late for this crop and it will be best to get the cotton ginned and affairs closed up at the farm for the season as speedily as possible, that you and your company real be able to return to your homes before rough weather, and as the brethren who live in that rejion are not so directly under the necessity of hurrying their operations, it is reasonable to presume that you will be able to get your cotton ginned at once.

Our semi-annual Conference commenced at 10 a.m. of the 6th. inst. and adjourned on the afternoon of the 9th. to 10 a.m. of April 6. 1860, to convene in this city. The weather was and still is warm, still and very pleasant; and all present, so far as I have learned, are unanimous in their expressions that we enjoyed a remarkably peaceful and joyous meeting, a goodly portion of the Holy Spirit resting upon the congregations. Many of the brethren and sisters were present from the distant settlements, and they return to their homes feeling that their spiritual strength is renewed and increased.

There is a rumor that the 5th regiment is about to be ordered to the Colorado this fall or winter, but no definite orders have yet been published to that effect. The departure of Judges Sinclair and Cradlebaugh, Hartnett, Hurt, Forney and others for the States is indicative that the courage and hopes of the enemies of truth are fast oozing out, and that there may be some truth in the report that Pres. Buchanan and his Cabinet have determined to remove from Utah all that injures or annoys her citizens and her prosperity.

The current details of general news you will find in the papers. All is right, and Zion is indeed, blessed

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young