1859 October 13 Letter to William Heaton


1859 October 13 Letter to William Heaton


Because funds have not been paid back to the P. E. Fund the Church is unable to assist the poor to emigrate.




Brigham Young


William Heaton


1859 October 13


Great Salt Lake City
Payson, Utah County, U. T.


Financial Matters

Item sets


G. S. L. City, Oct. 13, 1859

Eider William Heaton,
Payson, Utah County, U.T.,

Dear Brother:--
In reply to your note of the 10th inst. I have to inform you that we are very desirious of gathering the Saints to these valleys, and have ex-pended a large amount of means in furtherance of that object, so much so that our hands are tied for the present in regard to operating through the P.E. Fund, and will continue so unless those who have been assisted are much more prompt than heretofore in refunding the money expended for their transportation to this place. In general the poor brethren feel very grateful at Liverpool for assistance to emigrate, but upon their arrival here too many are apt to forget the pit from which they have been extricated and become so swallowed up in their private interests and affairs that their indebtedness to the Fund is entirely neglected.

You are aware that money is the only available article in emigrating the Saints from Europe, and until the brethren see fit to furnish it I know of no way by which I can send for the poor. How long the present condition of affairs will continue I am not able to inform you.

Your Brother in the Gospel

Brigham Young