1859 October 15 Letter to S. B. Hutchings


1859 October 15 Letter to S. B. Hutchings


Brigham suggests more time before Hutchings marries again.




Brigham Young


S. B. Hutchings


1859 October 15


Great Salt Lake City
Springville, Utah County, U. T.

Number of Pages



Domestic Dispute

Item sets

G. S. L. City, Oct. 15, 1859.

Brother L.B. Hutchings,
Springville, Utah County, U.T.,

I have carefully noted the contents of your letter of Sep. 20, and for several reasons was somewhat surprised thereat. I am not aware that I ever doubted the goodness of your motives, or that I have ever said aught that would impugn the uprightness of your intentions, neither do I know that Br Kimball or sister Buell have, and presume they have not.

I know nothing about the letter you mention as having been written by Thomas Job to "another individual," and consequently can not in anywise be considered answerable for its statements.

I have always given you credit for being a good man to the best of your ability, but I have doubted your capacity and wisdom in happily managing family affairs, and your past experience therein must convince you of the correctness of my view in that particular. Br. William Miller has so managed his family affairs that I have never been troubled on their account, and I have not heard that others have been. Br. David Proctor, the other person mentioned in your letter, did not get a wife with my consent. When men have wives and cannot , or do not, live happily, and throw their family troubles, disputes, and cares upon me, or take a course by which their wives do so, I think it wise for them to exercise a little patience and strive to learn wisdom in the conduct of those matters, that I may not be so frequently troubled with family difficulties and applied to for bills of divorce. Do you not also, upon reflection, think such a course best? Eternity is full of days, and there is no occasion for hurrying beyond one's speed, nor to fear being curtailed in any privilege when doing right.

I shall be very happy to seal another wife to you so soon as I can be convinced of your ability to keep peace in your family and provide for their comfortable support, that I be not troubled with the rehearsal of their troubles nor teased for bills of divorce.

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young